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ZEIT-FOTO SALONは写真を美術品として取扱う日本で最初のコマーシャル・ギャラリーとして、1978年に東京 日本橋に開廊しました。
Its founder, the late ISHIHARA Etsuro, had personal contact with acclaimed Western photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson and Brassai and directly purchased original prints from them. Moreover, at the same ZEIT-FOTO SALON opened its doors in the Nihonbashi area of Tokyo in 1978, as the first commercial gallery in Japan to treat photography as art. time he sent outstanding Japanese photographers like ARAKI Nobuyoshi and MORIYAMA Daido out into the world. Ishihara, who dedicated his life to art, was also known as a collector, not only of photographs but also of paintings and SP albums. He assembled impressive collections.
At present, using Ishihara’s former residence in Kunitachi as an office base, we are carrying out the supervision, management, and sale of the Ishihara Collection. Although this must be done by reservation only, those who have interest in the Collection are very welcome to come see it in our Kunitachi base.
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